DAY-OF TICKETS: Free tickets will be distributed 30 minutes before each event on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to availability). Limit of one standby ticket per person. Follow us on Twitter & the FilmLinc blog for updates.

RESERVATIONS: Ticket reservations are no longer being taken for the launch weekend..

IMPORTANT: Reservations must be claimed no later than 30 minutes before an event or they will be forfeit to the standby line, no exceptions.

The vision of Bali as idyllic tropical paradise owes immeasurably to this dreamy, enchantingly beautiful film about two lovers and a curse. Rarely screened now, Island of Demons sprung out of a collaboration between a German adventurer-baron, an intrepid documentarian, and — perhaps most important — the painter, dancer, and Renaissance man Walter Spies. The result is something like the lovechild of Terrence Malick (Days of Heaven) and Margaret Mead — an indelible visit to another world of primeval forests, rice farmers and maidens, and utterly exquisite dance, choreographed by Spies. The Moscow-born German painter, who would die as a POW in World War II, forged the featured kecak dances with Balinese master Wayan Limbak, while the ethereal chiaroscuro style of his paintings comes to life in the film’s magical landscapes and rich palette of blacks and greys. The story is almost an afterthought to this transparent window onto tempu dulu, the “old times” in Bali, which is scented with more perfumed romance than the most fevered fantasy of a Hollywood scriptwriter.

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