Director Roger Weisberg in person!

As rising health care costs threaten to bankrupt the country, Money and Medicine tackles the medical, ethical and financial challenges of containing runaway health care spending. In addition to illuminating the so-called waste and overtreatment that pervades our medical system, this timely documentary explores promising ways to reduce health care expenditures and improve the overall quality of care. With remarkable candor, director Roger Weisberg captures the painful end-of-life treatment choices made by patients and their families, ranging from very aggressive interventions in the ICU to palliative care at home. The film also investigates the controversy surrounding diagnostic testing and screening as well as the shocking treatment variations among patients receiving various elective procedures. Just as the election-year debate over health care cost containment and deficit reduction heats up, Money and Medicine puts a human face on the most pressing crisis facing American medicine.

Additional support provided by Fandor.