Free event!

In a world where images circulate ever faster and instant access is the norm, what place is there for the love of cinema? With the growth of the Internet and the preponderance of smartphones, new viewing habits have appeared. More and more, people do their watching on smaller and smaller screens, and the content itself has seen radical changes: from six-second Vines to 10-hour YouTube videos and Netflix binge-watching. Have these new practices led to a different rapport with the moving image? Can we see in this the birth of a new kind of cinephilia, fueled by new media and how younger viewers relate with the images they consume? Join a group of French and American journalists to discuss the role of cinephilia today and how France and the United States have approached fostering the love of movies in future generations.

Participants: Melissa Anderson (journalist), Thierry Lounas (SOFILM magazine), Florence Ben Sadoun (ELLE magazine), and Serge Toubiana (Cinémathèque Française)
Moderators: Isabelle Giordano, Executive Director of UniFrance films, and Dennis Lim, Director of Programming for the Film Society of Lincoln Center

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