Offbeat, stylish, and surprisingly meditative, Heart Attack is a multilayered comedy that takes a satirical but compassionate look at the lives of work-from-home creatives who substitute the often dull routine of office employment with the pressure of working off a laptop all the time. It’s also an intensely moving study of what happens when you stop numbing yourself with work and start living. Yoon (Sunny Suwanmethanon) is a warrior of the Photoshop age; practically shackled to his computer, the thirtysomething freelance designer constantly fights deadlines retouching and endlessly revising… boobs, butts, and hot bods for ad campaigns and the like. The biggest and only pleasure (and pride) in his shut-in existence is in seeing his calendar chock-full of gigs. But after five straight days of labor without sleep, and ironically for a guy who removes pimples for glossy pictures, Yoon develops a worrisome skin condition: a strange, unsightly rash that appears on his body. At the hospital, he makes an encounter of the hot kind in the person of Doctor Imm (Davika Hoorne). But wait… it’s not as romantic or sexy as it sounds.