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Fuller presents a kind of Dictionary of Samuel Fuller: in the course of the film, one of the cinema’s great raconteurs covers pretty much everything from racism to communism, violence to crime, and from money problems to life during combat. His extraordinary passion is evident in every frame, and the direct connection between his worldview and his work as an artist is made abundantly clear in extracts from his films Pickup on South Street, Forty Guns and Shock Corridor. The title is taken from Fuller’s self-introduction in Godard’s Pierrot le Fou. (68m).

Screening with:
Fuller at the Editing Table / Cinéastes à la table: Samuel Fuller
André S. Labarthe | 1982 | France | 11m
Years later, Labarthe returned to some of the material he shot but never used for a short film featuring Fuller at an editing table, discussing his visual and dramatic strategies for Pickup on South Street.

Image courtesy of the KOBAL COLLECTION.