NYFF54 Submissions

Submissions for the 54th New York Film Festival are now closed.

March 17, 2016 – Earlybird Deadline
April 28, 2016 – Regular Deadline
May 12, 2016 – Late Deadline

The New York Film Festival was founded in 1962 and is produced by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, which aims to demonstrate the development of international film art and contemporary trends in content, form, and style.

This year, NYFF will not be accepting submissions of narrative features. We will only be accepting submissions of documentary features, avant-garde films (of any length), and short films. Our short film programs will be organized into four categories: New York Shorts, Narrative Shorts, Documentary Shorts, and Genre Stories. Animated shorts will be considered in all categories. Please be sure to select the most relevant category when submitting your film.


  1. Film Society of Lincoln Center defines a short film as any film with a running time less than 50 minutes.
  2. Film Society of Lincoln Center defines a feature film as any film with a running time greater then 50 minutes.
  3. Non-narrative and experimental films of any length may be submitted to Projections.
  4. All films submitted to NYFF must be New York City premieres. “Premiere” is defined as any film having not screened for the public in the greater New York area, or having received a run in a festival operating within New York City.
  5. Only World Premieres may be considered for Opening and Closing Night. “World Premiere” is defined as any film having not received a theatrical run or festival screening of any kind.
  6. Films having received any theatrical or home-video distribution of any kind beyond festival screenings or that have been broadcast on television or the Internet will be deemed ineligible for NYFF.
  7. Films that have had private, unpublicized screenings are eligible for submission to NYFF.
  8. Films that have been previously submitted to NYFF or Projections are ineligible.
  9. Films must have been completed in the current or previous year (2015, 2016).
  10. All applicants must complete the official festival submission form located on withoutabox.com.
  11. NYFF reserves the right to disqualify any film not submitted through these websites without refund of any application fees.
  12. The applicant holds the sole responsibility of copyright clearance of any copyrighted material in the film. Films including unauthorized copyrighted material are ineligible.
  13. Films not in English must be subtitled in English unless dialogue is minimal and not necessary for the comprehension of the film.


  1. Films must be submitted via online screener, using either Vimeo or the WAB online screening system.
  2. Multiple versions of the same film will not be considered.
  3. Only the first submitted version of a film will be considered for NYFF.
  4. If the submitted material does not play, NYFF will make an attempt to contact the applicant based on the contact information supplied at the time of submission in order to obtain a replacement. If a replacement is not available, NYFF reserves the right to disqualify the film without refunding the submission fees.
  5. NYFF will attempt, but is under no obligation, to view a submission that arrives after the designated deadline without refund of the submission fee.
  6. Submitted films that qualify based on the regulations and eligibility requirements stated here will be seen by NYFF programming staff and be considered equally with all other submissions.
  7. NYFF reserves the right to disqualify any film for non-payment of the submission fee. NYFF will attempt to contact the applicant based on the contact information supplied at the time of submission in order to resolve non-payment status.
  8. NYFF is under no obligation to provide comments regarding submitted films to any applicant. The festival is not responsible for any internal comments obtained by the applicant regarding their film.