Planned Giving

Join the devoted group of film lovers who have thoughtfully decided to provide for the future of the organization by including Film at Lincoln Center in their estate plans. Each of these individuals creates a lasting legacy that will benefit our vital programs along with future generations of filmmakers.

Members making a commitment valued at $100,000 or more will enjoy a host of year-round privileges.

Establish a planned gift today by:

  • Naming Film at Lincoln Center as a beneficiary in your will, living trust or charitable remainder trust
  • Naming Film at Lincoln Center as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account (such as an IRA)
  • Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Lead Trust that benefits Film at Lincoln Center, yourself, and/or loved ones.

There is no minimum bequest amount required for recognition. All gifts, big and small, make a lasting impact!

For more details about planned giving, please contact [email protected].