Among the Living
The final installment in dynamic French shock duo Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury’s trilogy of American-inspired horror flicks, following 2007’s gloriously grotesque Inside and 2011’s creepy old-dark-house tale Livide (sadly shelved by its U.S. distributor). Stand by Me and The Hills Have Eyes are among the influences on this story of three 14-year-old boys who stumble across an abandoned movie backlot, where they witness events straight out of the most terrifying of horror movies, involving the remaining members of the unhinged family we meet in the film’s astounding opening: a father and the mutant son he’ll do anything to protect. The boys get away unharmed but neither cops nor parents believe their story. Yet in fear of their hideaway being uncovered, Dad sends his “monster child” to track down the boys in a pursuit so nerve-wracking and carnage-filled you just might forget to breathe.