North American Premiere
In this psychological thriller produced by Derek Yee (The Great Magician, One Nite in Mongkok), psychiatrist Chow Ming-Kit (Huang Xiaoming) is lured to the dark side of the mind by his patient, convicted murderer Fan Kwok-Sang (Lau Ching-Wan). Three years earlier, Fan was committed to a psychiatric hospital after his paranoia and violent temper led to the accidental death of his wife Wai-Ling (Michelle Ye). Now he’s up for release, and Chow vouches for him against the objections of his superiors and soon finds his career on an upward swing. But Fan isn’t doing so well, and after a terrible incident Chow finds himself desperate to defend him and his own career. Lau Ching-Wan gives an amazing performance, devouring his role and transforming in whiplash-inducing rapid-fire from anger to contrition to scheming.
Presented with the support of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office New York.