Q&A with Darren Aronofsky
Join us for a special Film Comment evening of movies that vividly envision a world of experience on screen. Preceded by the New York premiere of Over the Rainbow.
Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, and a world of chaos, Darren Aronofsky’s wild first-person vision of domestic and global apocalypse is one of the decade’s outstanding cinematic accomplishments. It all begins with odd marital quibbles in a mysteriously isolated country house, but with the arrival of strange guests—including an irresistible Michelle Pfeiffer and a haunting Ed Harris—it explodes into an exhilarating spectacle of comedic absurdity and primal emotion. All of which is realized with virtuous skill on a technical level, as Aronofsky collaborates again with cinematographer Matthew Libatique. Released in 2017 to a flurry of imaginative interpretations, mother! plunges into a bewildering end-of-days mood that feels ever more apt—and that only truly comes to life on the big screen.