Peter Nestler Program 5
In these films about war, Nestler composes an emotional condemnation of the U.S.’s role in the war in North Vietnam, made of photographs by Thomas Billhardt, and investigates ideas of internationalism and solidarity with testimonies from those who fought during the Spanish Civil War.
Images from Vietnam (1972, 16mm, 24m)
An emotional condemnation of the U.S.’s role in the war in North Vietnam, composed of photographs by Thomas Billhardt, this film depicts the dire living conditions and the suffering of children in the populations of destroyed villages. Print courtesy Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin.
Spain! (1973, 43m)
Filmed in Spain, Finland, Sweden, and West Germany, Spain! investigates ideas of internationalism and solidarity, using personal testimonies from former members of the International Brigades who joined the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War and from members of the Workers’ Commissions (Comisiones Obreras).
Digital restoration courtesy of Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin