Peter Nestler Program 4
In the 1970s, Peter and his wife, Zsóka Nestler, collaborated on a series of educational films for television that focused on craft-making. These “biographies of objects” are rigorous investigations into the history of working techniques, production processes, and materials. This selection presents three of these masterfully crafted documentaries, which pay close attention to detail and explore the relations between economics, politics, and history.
How to Make Glass (Manually) (1970, 24m)
Fos-Sur-Mer (1972, 24m)
Shot in the commercial harbor of Fos-sur-Mer in Southern France, this film denounces the destruction of the region and the poor living and working conditions caused by industrialization and exploitation by oil corporations. Digital restoration courtesy of Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin.
About the History of Paper, Pt. 1 (1972/73, 16mm, 24m)
Digital restoration of How to Make Glass (Manually) courtesy of Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin.
Print sources for Mining/Ironworks Pt. 2 and About the History of Paper, Pt. 1 Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin.