Get $10 tickets to Mother and Son at Rendez-Vous with French Cinema with proof of purchase of a Brother and Sister ticket! Available at box office only.

One of film’s great family creations, the sprawling, perpetually at-odds Vuillards have provided the memorable characters for some of Arnaud Desplechin’s most beloved films, including Kings and Queen (2004) and A Christmas Tale (2008). His newest entry in the family’s collective saga follows novelist Louis (Melvil Poupaud) and actress Alice (Marion Cotillard), siblings who experience a falling out when Louis depicts his sister unforgivably in one of his books. Years later, after their parents are involved in a near-deadly car crash, they’re forced to try to negotiate some kind of coexistence—or at least to find ways to avoid each other at the hospital bedside. Desplechin returns to some of his pet themes—the lines between art and real life, the work of theater performers, family ties that both bind and divide—in another deeply felt drama backed by a typically eclectic soundtrack.